Ein Leben mit dem Meer

Living with the Sea

When we moved from Thailand (where it all started with our alternative clothing ) to Aljezur in the western Algarve in Portugal, we consciously decided to live BY the sea . But we soon realized that it became much more - living WITH the sea .

The Atlantic, majestic yet fearsome, lies just a few kilometers from our front door. When we stand on the beach and look west, we know that America lies beyond the horizon. Behind us lies the whole of Europe with all its hustle and bustle, the pulsating cities, the mountains and the crowds of people. Before us, however, stretches the endless expanse of the Atlantic, an image of freedom and immeasurable power.

Some days the fog hangs so thickly on the steep coast that it seems as if we are standing in the clouds. Every breath is filled with salty sea air that penetrates deep into us and connects us with nature. It's a connection we couldn't have imagined before. The storms that rage far out at sea shape our microclimate, bringing with them swells that, depending on the sandbank and bay, bring with them impressive, sometimes even threatening waves. But there are also days when the waves shine like liquid silver and are just waiting for us to surf.

The tides determine our everyday lives. Depending on the tide, swell and the changing sandbanks, there is hardly anything nicer than starting the day at half past five in the morning with a few waves. At low tide, the wide beaches invite you to take long walks with your family and dog. Whether a fresh breeze is blowing or the cold north wind is whistling around our ears - the sea determines our daily program.

In the past, I would have smiled if someone had told me that walking barefoot and grounding were healing. But today I know better. The connection to the earth, especially in the highly conductive salt water, has a healing effect. The feeling of getting out of the water after a dive and feeling like a new person is indescribable. I owe this renewal not only to the water, but also to the fresh, salty sea air, which is rich in minerals and clears the respiratory tract.

For us in the family, the sea has become a source of healing. When things go haywire at home and everyone is upset, a quick trip to the sea is enough. Take off your shoes, breathe deeply in the sea air and watch the sun glitter in the water - your stress will disappear. You realize how small and insignificant our everyday problems are when you think about our place in this world.

When I leave this place, it feels like I am leaving my home, my natural habitat, behind. Although the Atlantic often seems frightening and unforgiving, it has become a refuge for me, deeply connected to me in ways I could never have imagined.

When we still lived in Thailand, I wrote down a goal: a house by the sea. Today we may not live directly on the water, but we have found something much more valuable - a life WITH the sea, deeply rooted and forever connected.

You can get a small impression of the beauty of the coast here .

No matter where your refuge is, the place that gives you strength and joy of life - follow your instinct. Don't give up until you get there.